Riding a bicycle is such a great form of transport, but can often result in a road traffic accident

Cycling is a great form of cardio, and can improve your health and fitness massively. So this means it is worthwhile for everyone. 

When you live in a town or city, cycling can also be one of the most effective ways to get around. For instance, Sligo is a very cycling-friendly town. 

When you are cycling as your form of transport, you don’t have as many problems with traffic. Dedicated cycling lanes make it convenient for all cyclists. 

One of the downsides to cycling is unfortunately how vulnerable you can be at times. Compared to cars, vans and other vehicles, you can often be at risk. 

Although wearing a helmet does increase your protection massively, sometimes it still cannot prevent accidents from occuring. 

Bicycle accidents can range massively in regards to severity. However, knowing how to act in the aftermath is important. 

So if you are involved in a bicycle accident in Sligo, be sure to enlist the help of Valerie Kearins solicitor. They can help you get justice for any personal injury you have sustained. 

What is a bicycle accident claim?

When you are involved in an incident where another party caused you harm or injury while cycling, this is considered a bicycle accident. 

A bicycle incident can come from a driver, another cyclist or even a pedestrian. 

By making a bicycle claim, you could seek compensation for your unfortunate experience. This can help cover medical hosts or any other expenditures. 

A bicycle claim can also help to cover any loss of income that you might experience as a result of an injury. 

You can make a bicycle accident claim with the help of a solicitor. 

Contact Valerie Kearins Solicitors Today

At Valerie Kearins Solicitors – we specialise in many different aspects of the law to provide our clients with the best professional support and advice.

Common bicycle accident claims

There are many different incidents that could occur that may see a cyclist injured or involved in an accident. 

Depending on the accident, you may experience different injuries or issues. These differences will affect your claim. 

Some common bicycle accident claims include the following:

  • Dangerous driving claim
  • Damage to cycling claim
  • Pothole accident claim
  • Uninsured driver claim
  • Drunk driver claim

Dangerous driving/driver negligence claim

If you have been injured as a result of dangerous driving or driver negligence, then you could be entitled to a claim. 

If a driver wrongfully pulls out in front of you (the cyclist), this could result in a collision and injury. 

Another example of driver negligence could include not giving enough space to a cyclist. If a driver is too close to a cyclist, this could cause a collision with either the curb or vehicle itself. 

In this instance, a cyclist would be entitled to a claim. 

Similarly, if a driver is not paying close enough attention to a cyclist, they could cause an accident. Driving too closely behind them, not reacting to turn signals or not signalling themselves could all be examples of this. 

Even if a driver is parked dangerously, this could result in an accident. Improper parking of a vehicle could cause a collision or reaction from the cyclist. 

Opening a car door in the path of a cyclist is also very hazardous and could result in injury.

Dangerous or damaged cycle lanes claim

If a cycle lane is damaged or improperly designed, this could be dangerous for a cyclist. 

Uneven surfaces could cause a bicycle to move unpredictably or cause the cyclist to lose control. 

Lanes that are too narrow or have too sharp or bends could also result in collisions or accidents.

Potholes Accident claim

If there is damage to the road or cycle lane, resulting in potholes, this can be very hazardous to cyclists. 

Entering or coming in contact with a pothole as a cyclist could result in serious damage to the bike. As well as this, the cyclist could potentially be injured. 

Uninsured driver claim

There may be an incident in which a cyclist is in an accident with an uninsured driver. This could include collision, property damage, or other forms of driver negligence. 

In the event of an incident with such a person, you can file for an uninsured driver claim. It is important in these situations that you try and gather as much information as possible. 

Factors such as the vehicle model and registration, details of the driver and eye witnesses can all help boost your case for a claim. It is also a good idea to take photos of the scene. 

You should then contact your solicitor immediately to start making your claim. A successful claim means you will receive compensation for the events. 

Drunk driving accident claim

If you have been involved in an accident with a driver who has been confirmed to be under the influence of alcohol, you have the right to a drunk driving claim. 

This claim will be made against the guilty party who was intoxicated at the time of the accident. 

When you have been involved in a drunk driving accident, a successful claim will see the guilty party’s insurance company pay your compensation. This can help cover you for any injuries or damage you have sustained. 

Contact your solicitor and let them help you with the process of filing a claim. Again, as much evidence you can gather as possible will help your claim. 

Contact Valerie Kearins Solicitors Today

If you feel you have been the victim of personal injury and you are considering filing a claim for compensation, feel free to get in touch with Valerie Kearins Solicitors for an assessment of your case.

Compensation for a bicycle accident claim

General damages

When you are involved in a bicycle accident, you may see some damages to the frame of your bike that need to be repaired. You may also endure some damage and injury to your body. 

The likes of bruising, scratches on the bicycle and other results can be considered general damages. 

Specific damages

There are also some very specific damages that you might experience when involved in an accident. They include the following; 

  • Broken arm/leg
  • Spinal injuries
  • Fractures
  • Mobility issues in body
  • Scarring
  • Damage affecting mobility of bicycle
  • Aesthetic damage of bicycle

Specific damages will have a part to play in regards to the compensation you receive for your claim. 

When you make a claim, the cyclist will look to be compensated for the results of the accident. 

There are a number of different factors in which you could get compensated for. They include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Damage to bike
  • Damage to personal belongings
  • Loss of income
  • Long term life impacts

If you have been the victim of a road traffic accident in Sligo, Valerie Kearins Personal Injury Solicitors will help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Evidence to Support a Road Traffic Accident Claim

The more evidence you have to support your case in a road traffic accident claim, the more likely it is that a case will settle in your favour. Some evidence is essential, such as the full details of the other driver, but there is plenty of other evidence that can help your case.

  1. Driver Details: Exchange your personal, contact, and insurance details with the other driver at the scene as an essential first step.
  2. Passenger Details: It is worthwhile to get the contact details of any passengers from any vehicle involved in the collision.
  3. Witness Details: Get the details of any witnesses who were at the scene of the collision, or Gardaí and Emergency Services who attended.
  4. Photographs: If you are able, take photographs of the scene of the collision and damages to the vehicles involved. You may also take photos of your injuries as evidence.
  5. Camera Footage: See if there is any dash-cam or nearby CCTV footage which might be of use in your claim.

Contact Valerie Kearins Solicitors Today

At Valerie Kearins Personal Injury Solicitors, our friendly and experienced team have extensive knowledge of legal cases involving personal injury claims.

How to Make a Personal Injury Claim

Once you have gathered the information relevant to your accident it is time to proceed with a personal injury claim, which is best achieved with an experienced solicitor as a legal advisor.

Take the information you have about your road traffic accident to an experienced personal injury solicitor who will assess your case and help you navigate the legal process. The sooner a case is brought forward the better it will be for you, so this experience is invaluable.

Your solicitor will then obtain any relevant medical records from your accident, and can also advise on what other reports or evidence could be of use.

Once that is completed your solicitor will then present your case to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board, the first step in any legal proceedings. The Board will then assess the case and come back with a recommended compensation figure if it agrees with your case.

Once the PIAB has presented its recommendation, consult with your solicitor on the offer. They will be in the best position to tell you if they think it’s a fair figure. If you accept it, and the liable party also accepts, then this is where the case will settle.

It is rare for a personal injury claim to see the inside of a courtroom, but if either party rejects the PIAB settlement offer, this will be the next step in the legal proceedings.

Time Limit for Road Traffic Accident Claims

As a rule of thumb, there is a two year time limit to bring forward a personal injury claim. But the clock doesn’t always start running immediately.

In the event of a road traffic accident that two year period could start immediately after the accident, or it could be after you are diagnosed with an injury/condition which is attributed to the accident. Not all damage will present immediately.

In the event of a hit and run the two year timer could start when the guilty party in the collision is identified. If a child involved in an accident chooses to wait until they turn 18 to make a claim on their own behalf, then that is when the two year limit will commence.

All of this is why it is important to seek legal advice on your case, and the sooner the better.

Can I Claim on Behalf of Someone Else

It is possible to make a personal injury claim on behalf of another individual in certain cases in the event of a road traffic accident. An adult, usually a parent or guardian, can make a claim on behalf of a minor.

In the event of a fatal accident, the dependents of the deceased may also make a claim on their behalf. Only one claim can be brought against the party at fault in relation to the death.

Make a Car Accident Claim Today

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, contact Valerie Kearins Solicitors today to see if you may be eligible for compensation.

At Valerie Kearins Personal Injury Solicitors, our friendly and experienced team have extensive knowledge of legal cases involving personal injury claims. 

Contact us today in our Sligo offices for advice on your case and your best chance of securing fair compensation for your personal injury.

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